What's the mood?
1. Let's recover from the holidays and warm up winter with some warm shades of saffron and orange mixed in with our v-day pinks and spicy reds.
2. Let's embrace the more whimsical side of a romantic gesture - a sweet note that recaps the funniest moment you've shared together, a bag of gummies with only their favorite flavors remaining and tied with a bow.
3. Let's grab a huge bundle of the weirdest flowers we can find at the flower shop, bring them home, and let them take center stage in the brightest container we can find.
4. Let's wear a pair of ridiculous socks that make us laugh under our winter boots.
5. Let's embrace patterns that make us feel alive even on the chilliest days - the movement in a marble, a tiny daisy pattern, scribbles and doodles.
6. Let's go to the grocery store and pick up a real, paper magazine that we've never read before. Bonus points if it's about travel or places we've never heard of.
7. Let's put together a little basket in our bathroom with our fav bath salt, bar soap, loofah, book, and candle. We'll make it our special space, even if it's only a small container and lives under the sink. Later we'll take it out and indulge in it in the quiet retreat of our bathroom, and thank ourselves for the act of love.
What do you want to try this February? Whether it's an idea here or your own, leave a comment and share the joy!
Click here for Arielle's picks for February.